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Spring Pet Allergy Symptoms: Essential Tips to Keep Your Furry Friends Healthy

Welcome, pet lovers! As the chilly grip of winter loosens its hold and flowers start to bloom, it's time to embrace the joys of spring. But before we dive headfirst into outdoor adventures with our furry companions, let's take a moment to ensure their safety and well-being during this season!

Allergies and Pollen:

Ah, spring—the season of sneezes and sniffles, not just for humans but for our four-legged friends too! Pollen can wreak havoc on pets, triggering allergies that manifest as itching, sneezing, and watery eyes. But let's not forget about the less talked about culprit: snow mold. Yes, that's right! As the snow melts away, it reveals a hidden danger for our pets. Snow mold shows up when the snow starts to melt and appears as a white, fuzzy mold on the ground.

Here's some signs of seasonal allergies in your pets:

  1. Persistent itching, especially around the face, ears, paws, and belly.

  2. Redness and inflammation of the skin, sometimes leading to hot spots or areas of raw, irritated skin.

  3. Excessive scratching or rubbing against furniture or other surfaces.

  4. Chewing or licking at the affected areas, potentially causing further irritation or hair loss.

  5. Watery or irritated eyes, often accompanied by frequent blinking or squinting.

Keep an eye out for signs of allergy in your furry pals and consider consulting with your vet for management tips and possibly medication to help ease the discomfort.

Terrier dog scratching

Flea and Tick Prevention, and Seasonal Activity:

With the warmer weather comes a surge in flea and tick activity. But when exactly do these pesky critters start stirring from their winter slumber? Well, ticks become active and start seeking a blood meal when temperatures consistently rise above 4°C (39°F). As for fleas, they begin to make their presence known again as temperatures climb above 10°C (50°F). So, don't let your guard down—keep your pets protected year-round with reliable flea and tick control products. These products are best purchased from your local veterinarian. Be wary of grocery brands, they can cause severe reactions in pets.

Springtime Hazards:

While spring brings new life and vibrant colors, it also brings its fair share of hazards for our pets. From toxic plants like lilies, tulips, and daffodils commonly found during Easter celebrations, to pesticides and cleaners used for spring cleaning, there's no shortage of dangers lurking around. And let's not forget about those fence lines buried under snow all winter—give them a once-over after the thaw to ensure they're still intact and secure.

Spring tulips

Seasonal Shedding and Grooming:

As our pets bid farewell to their winter coats, they embark on a shedding spree of epic proportions. But fear not! With a little extra grooming and TLC, you can keep the fur tumbleweeds at bay. Regular brushing and bathing not only help manage shedding but also keep your pet's skin and coat healthy. Be sure to stock up on pet-safe grooming products and tools to make the process a breeze.

Woman sweeping up dog hair with a dog in the background

As we embrace the beauty and warmth of spring, let's not forget about our furry companions who rely on us to keep them safe. Remember to watch out for spring pet allergy symptoms and take proactive steps to keep your pets healthy and happy. By staying vigilant against allergens, fleas, ticks, and other springtime hazards, we can ensure our pets enjoy this season to the fullest.

Have any springtime pet safety tips of your own? We'd love to hear them! Share your thoughts in the comments below and let's make this spring a safe and happy one for all our beloved pets.

-Shannon H

Chief Pet Expert

Wiggles & Whiskers Pet Supplies

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